Methodist Conference commends Cry for Hope to Churches for prayerful study
We are delighted to report that the Methodist Church, in response to several memorials submitted by our campaigners, have responded with some substantial actions they wish Churches to take in the coming year to promote justice, peace and equality for Palestinians.
24th June.
This week saw the start of Methodist Conference, and we are delighted that our wonderful campaigners within the Methodist Church have succeeded in getting a number of memorials approved which call on the Church to move further forwards in its support and solidarity with the Palestinian Church.
Central to these memorials, which you can read here (Memorials M8-11) is the call for the Methodist Church to read and engage with Cry for Hope, the document issued by Palestinian Christians last year. We are delighted that the Methodist Church has responded positively, stating in their reply that;
“The Conference commends for careful and prayerful study by the Methodist people the document “Cry for Hope”… and welcomes the opportunity to learn from sisters and brothers across the region and across faiths.”
We are also delighted to see several other actions proposed and supported in the reply to the memorials, including confirmation of the Joint Advisory Committee on the Ethics of Investment and the Central Finance Board of the Methodist Church’s decision to dedicate time and resources to review the Investment Policy in relation to Israel and Palestine. (You can read the background to this decision and the report from Methodist Council on that here)
In addition, the reply from the Methodist Church also recognises that;
“… recent developments including the passing of the Nation State law in 2018 and statements by the Prime Minister of Israel and other cabinet members suggest that the Government of Israel no longer has an intention to permit a viable Palestinian State in the region. The continued expansion of illegal settlements increases the population of Jewish Israelis in the West Bank, while denying building permits to Palestinians, giving an impression of the permanence of the occupation.”
And calls upon “the British Government to end support for military contracts with Israel whilst that country remains in violation of international law”
We wish to thank the Methodist Church for its courageous stand in not only exposing the reality and truth of the situation in Israel and Palestine today, but for also being willing to play a part in bringing about real peace and justice for all.
We also wish to thank our wonderful Methodist Sabeel-Kairos Campaign group, who with dedication, time and much effort in the last few years, have helped to produce these fantastic results in support of Palestine.
If you would like to join one of our exciting campaign groups working within your denomination, please contact us on