Sabeel-Kairos community groups

Across the UK we have a number of Sabeel-Kairos community groups. All are grassroots movements, bringing together people locally that campaign, advocate and fundraise for a just peace in Palestine and Israel.  Others meet in small groups or online to pray through our ‘Wave of Prayer’  bulletin, that we send out weekly from our partner Sabeel in Jerusalem.

Our Sabeel-Kairos groups are the beating heart of our movement. They are all unique, and operate in different ways, but are committed to;

·        Justice, peace and security for all in Palestine and Israel.

·        The principles of non-violence, anti-racism, and equality for all.

·        Supporting and endorsing our partners in Palestine, Sabeel Jerusalem and Kairos Palestine.

If you would like to consider starting up a Sabeel-Kairos community group, or joining an existing one, we would love to hear from you. Please contact Ruth on 

Here is a list of our current groups. Please contact Ruth on the email address above to be put in touch with any of these groups, unless there is an alternative contact provided.

North of England

All Saints with Saint Frideswyde, Crosby

Activities include raising awareness of Sabeel-Kairos in the church, including weekly prayers for Palestine.  Has hosted the World day of Prayer for Palestine.

Contact Kathleen Zimak:

Hexham Sabeel-Kairos Community

Prayer in Hexham Abbey on the last Saturday of every month currently 10-10.30am to dovetail with the weekly silent vigil outside the Abbey 9.30-10am for a ceasefire in Gaza & a Just Peace in Palestine and Israel

Christmas stall in Hexham Market with produce, crafts & campaign material

Other events in relation to current issues and a wide mailing group who are updated on campaigns and news from Palestine.

Sheffield Sabeel-Kairos Community

A very active core group which meets in person 3-4 times a year to plan, pray and encourage each other in campaign work for Palestine.

There is a wider network of 70-80 members who receive the Sabeel-Kairos newsletter and information about local campaigns and events.  A current significant campaign the group is involved in is the Sheffield coalition campaigning for the city to become an Israeli apartheid free zone.

Contact: Jenny Richardson:

North West of England Regional group

We meet online each Thursday to pray the ‘Wave of Prayer’ email from Sabeel Jerusalem amongst other activities.

Contact Lynn McAllister :

Kathleen Zimak:

North East Sabeel-Kairos community

Please get in touch if you are interested in meeting others in this area to pray and campaign for Palestine.

Contact: John Howard –


Beckminster Methodist Church, Wolverhampton.

St Peter’s Catholic Church in Bromsgrove:

Justice and Peace Group Members receive and engage with the Sabeel-Kairos newsletter and the Sabeel Wave of Prayer letter.

Holy Land Group, King’s Heath, Birmingham

A stall at the monthly Farmer’s market selling olive wood carvings, small ceramics, food products from Palestine.  The stall also helps to raise awareness of the work of Sabeel-Kairos.  Please get in touch if you live nearby and could help with this important monthly event.

Contact: Miriam Wilcher or Gill Myall

Lichfield Concern for Palestine

Sabeel-Kairos Community in Lichfield, Staffordshire

South of England

Guildford Prayer for Palestine group

Meets in person in Guildford on a Thursday evening from 6-7pm to pray for Palestine.  Anyone in the area would be welcome to join.


There is a small cluster of Kairos supporters in Reading but no formal group. There is a Kairos Reading Facebook Page which shares news from Palestine and information about events in the Reading area.


There is no regional group in London, however many of our events with Palestinian Christian speakers take place in London.  We also have connections with Bloomsbury Baptist church who have members of the congregation who are actively involved in peace and justice for Palestine.  Please get in touch with us at Sabeel-Kairos if you would like information about London based activities.


Swansea Sabeel-Kairos community

Meets every first Friday of the month, 12:30pm, at St Mary’s Church in the city centre to share the Wave of Prayer, news and updates.


Kairos Ireland

Kairos Ireland Ireland wide group, established to support Kairos Palestine, a group of Palestinian Christians. We are particularly keen to engage with church & faith leaders to aid understanding of the plight of our sisters and brothers in Christ as they live under the Israeli Occupation.

Meets online and in person.  If anyone from Ireland, north or south, is interested in joining they would be very welcome.



There is a Scotland wide online campaign group.  Please get in touch with us at Sabeel-Kairos if you are interested in this.


Sabeel-Kairos is the operating name of Friends of Sabeel UK (FOSUK) Ltd, Charity number 1116817, Company Number 5595112

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