United Reformed Church adopts 10 resolutions on Israel/Palestine
At their General Assembly last week the URC voted in favour of 10 resolutions, including a commitment not to knowingly invest in any company profiting from the occupation of Palestine.
We are delighted to report that the URC has taken some significant steps forward in their support of justice and peace for Palestinians.
These 10 action-focused resolutions move the URC firmly towards a position of solidarity with the Palestinian people, and practical support to end to the occupation.
Of great significance to Sabeel-Kairos UK, who have worked closely with the URC over the last months to offer support and guidance, is the commitment to a new investment policy which will ‘screen out international companies that benefit from the Israeli occupation of the Palestinian territories.’
The other resolutions focused on pilgrimage, education, political campaigning to MPs and government, asking URC members and Churches to refrain from buying settlement products, and to support Palestinian producers by buying Palestinian goods such as olive oil and dates where possible.
You can read more about the resolutions in this statement released by the URC: URC passes multiple resolutions about Israel and Palestine
During the General Assembly itself, members of the Church heard directly from Revd. Dr. Munther Isaac, who said the following;
We wish to thank the United Reformed Church, especially those involved in drafting these important resolutions, and congratulate them on living out their faith in practice, as a Church called to be a voice for the oppressed and marginalised. We hope to see other Churches following their lead!