From Balfour to Banksy- film documentary on the Balfour legacy
From the Balfour to Banksy website:
Britain’s Balfour Legacy: a Century of Discord and Division
Many, many Jews will feel joy in 2017 as they celebrate 100 years after the British declaration that led to the birth of their nation.
This film will remember the other side of that narrative.The producers of this idea are asking you to support the making of a documentary which tells the story of the countless tragedies and heartbreaks that also followed Britain’s 1917 Balfour Declaration.
Israel is a young nation, with many years ahead of it. But we cannot ignore the other living present wrought by the stroke of Lord Balfour’s pen: the continuing dispossession, the deaths, the statelessness, the poverty, the lack of opportunity for the Arab young, the despair of their old.
All of this will change. It can change. It must change.But change only comes about through understanding, through being able to see other viewpoints, from being able to find the light in the midst of 100 shades of grey.
To watch a promotional video, and find out more please visit