Brian Brown’s new book ‘Apartheid South Africa! Apartheid Israel?’ released

We are delighted that leading theologian and long term anti-apartheid campaigner Revd Brian Brown has released his new book, which you can order now.

About the author:

Methodist minister Brian Brown was administrative director of the Christian Institute when it was shut-down by South Africa’s apartheid regime in 1977. He remained a ‘banned’ person for thirteen years, until Nelson Mandela’s release from jail in 1990. The Christian Institute was involved in active opposition to apartheid and civil religion; engaged supportively with the Black Consciousness Movement; and called for civil disobedience and Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions to assist the end of apartheid.
In exile Brian held appointments in the British Council of Churches and the Methodist Missionary Society where he continued to pursue the apartheid-related justice issues he describes in his autobiography, ‘Born to be Free: the Indivisibility of Freedom’. This interest led to study of the Israel-Palestine conflict at a time of growing emergence of Israel’s government as an undemocratic, settler-colonial, and apartheid regime.

About the book:

In ‘Apartheid South Africa! Apartheid Israel?’ Brian analyses Israel as replicating what he calls Grand Apartheid; the violent dispossession of land, nationality and human rights by one ethnic group of another. Save that this time it is Palestinian rather then Black people who suffer apartheid’s illegal occupation, domination and disempowerment. The book’s comparative analysis of two apartheid states is backed by accounts of Israeli and International Human Rights organisations whose legal analysis presents Israel as practising a crime against humanity, the Crime of Apartheid.

Buying the book:

You can purchase a copy of Brian’s book, and find out more about the contents and the author by visiting this website: “Apartheid in South Africa! Apartheid Israel?” by Brian J Brown (

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