Series on Intersectional Justice

Greenwashing Part 2: God of Empire or Jesus- the servant of the oikumene?

The year 2023 has seen Ramadan, Easter, and Passover fall together, which only happens usually once every thirty years. The occasion has seen a heightened situation in Israel and the oPt, especially Jerusalem. The BBC News headline on April 5 2023 read, ‘Ramadan and Passover raise tensions at Jerusalem holy site.’ The headline makes it seem as if the religious festivals created the “tensions”. The situation in Israel and the oPt, we know, is not caused by believers practicing their religions. (more…)

Greenwashing- Part 1: Control of the Land

A series about solidarity and intersectional justice.

“Greenwashing is the practice used by Israeli apartheid to hide its crimes and violence under a fake narrative that presents the regime as if it cared about the environment.” (BDS 2022)


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