Young Advocates Forum

Series on Intersectional Justice

A series that thinks about Solidarity between campaigns for Palestine and other justice campaigns across the world and how they are linked.

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Student Christian Movement Magazine ‘Conscientization’ Covers Advocacy for Palestine

The Student Christian Movement’s latest issue of their Movement Magazine, edited by our Advocacy Officer for Under 35’s, Victoria, introduced students to justice issues in Palestine.


Our Work

Alongside our grassroots campaigning work with local groups and churches, our combined action and partnerships with the BDS movement, Christian Aid, Amos Trust & other organisations, our under 35s work, and our theological and education materials, we’ve made some big moves since our Investing for Peace campaign began. Here is a list of the successes we’re most proud of: (more…)

Why a young advocates forum?


In Israel/Palestine now it is the young people who are changing the narrative and revealing the truth about what is happening on the ground that does not often get into our mainstream news.  People like Atalya Ben Abba, an Israeli conscientious objector, who went to military prison for her refusal to join the Israeli army.  You can watch her incredible story ‘Objector’ here.


Israel/Palestine often feels like a huge topic which can overwhelm us and make us think: What is it all about? What can we do? Watch this animated introduction to Israel/Palestine produced by Jewish Voice for Peace.  The video talks about a worldwide movement of hundreds and thousands of people across the world who are working for a just peace in Israel/Palestine. By becoming a Sabeel-Kairos Partner for Peace you will be joining this worldwide movement.


Current issues/campaigns: Sheikh Jarrah and Silwan


Young people like Muna El-Kurd, and her twin brother Mohammed, are helping to make known to the world the unjust treatment of Palestinians. Muna and Mohammed have an Israeli settler from the USA living in part of their house, and are threatened with eviction from their home.  Muna was arrested in June 2021 for peacefully protesting the theft of her home. Muna livestreams what is happening in the Sheikh Jarrah neighbourhood of Jerusalem, and has thousands of Instagram followers. It is the young people telling the stories that are starting to make the world sit up and listen.

Chloe’s story

Chloe has recently joined our Young Advocates Forum and our monthly prayer gathering. Ruth, our under 35’s officer interviewed her about her interest in Palestine, and how she came to know about Sabeel-Kairos.


Meet Laura

Laura is a young international student worker who has learnt about the situation in Palestine through the work of Sabeel-Kairos UK.  What she heard inspired her to pray for an end of the Israeli occupation and for peace in Palestine. While she prayed she remembered and honoured the lost, whilst celebrating freedom to come.

Here she explains the symbolism of her painting: “Breakfast on the beach: hope for Palestine.”

  • The watermelon is a symbol of resistance.
  • The flower in the tear gas vase, remembering and honouring the lost.
  • The Palestinian Keffiyeh shows their intact identity and links with the original pattern from the fishing industry and I had John 1:12 on my mind whilst painting ‘ But to all who believed him and accepted him, he gave the right to become children of God.’
  • After decades of living in fear without rights or freedom I have painted a picture of hope for Palestine to enjoy their beaches and eat in peace with Jesus. 

Instagram @laura_joy_

Annabelle’s story: Developing a passion for justice in Israel/Palestine

I am a Russian Christian who came to the UK to study in Leeds in 2018.

The two churches I attended before in Russia were both charismatic churches (Evangelical family of churches). Both of them had many things in common. They both believed in the idea of success and compulsory prosperity of a modern Christian. Moreover, they promoted ideas of only spiritual healing (all sicknesses come from the Devil) and non-negotiable obedience to leaders, as well, as “worshipping” of them. (more…)

Connect with us!

Please contact Claire, our advocacy officer if you would like to become involved in our under 35s work on

Please also find and follow us on twitter, instagram, and facebook

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Investing for Peace

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Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions

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Donate to our appeals or host a fundraising event using our recipe cards and other resources!

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Becoming a Sabeel-Kairos Community

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Theology Group

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Global campaigns

More ways to campaign here from partners and coalitions across the world

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Sabeel-Kairos is the operating name of Friends of Sabeel UK (FOSUK) Ltd, Charity number 1116817, Company Number 5595112

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