Our Work
Sabeel-Kairos Successes from 2018-2022
Alongside our grassroots campaigning work with local groups and churches, our combined action and partnerships with the BDS movement, Christian Aid, Amos Trust & other organisations, our under 35s work, and our theological and education materials, we’ve made some big moves since our Investing for Peace campaign began. Here is a list of the successes we’re most proud of:
2018 – Quakers commit not to invest in any company that profits from the occupation: Quakers will not profit from the occupation of Palestine | Quakers in Britain
2020 – Methodist Church commits to revising its investment policy in line with our recommendations: Campaign Success! | Sabeel-Kairos
2020 – Methodist Church divests from HeidelbergCement.
2021 – Methodist Church releases new policy: Israel Palestine – Policy Statement – Central Finance Board of the Methodist Church (cfbmethodistchurch.org.uk)
2021 – Methodist Church divests from Caterpillar after campaign pressure: Methodists Divest from Caterpillar citing Palestinian Evictions | Sabeel-Kairos
2021 – URC commits to 10 resolutions at its General Assembly including a commitment to screen out companies profiting from the occupation: United Reformed Church adopts 10 resolutions on Israel/Palestine | Sabeel-Kairos
2021 – Carlisle Diocese pass the first motion on Palestine in many years in the Church of England: Carlisle Diocese passes historic Cry for Hope motion | Sabeel-Kairos
2022 – Methodist Church commits to deeper engagement with HSBC over human rights and fossil fuels records: Methodist Conference commits to ‘deeper engagement’ with HSBC over human rights concerns | Sabeel-Kairos