Our Work
Alongside our grassroots campaigning work with local groups and churches, our combined action and partnerships with the BDS movement, Christian Aid, Amos Trust & other organisations, our under 35s work, and our theological and education materials, we’ve made some big moves since our Investing for Peace campaign began. Here is a list of the successes we’re most proud of:
2018 – Quakers commit not to invest in any company that profits from the occupation: Quakers will not profit from the occupation of Palestine | Quakers in Britain
2020 – Methodist Church commits to revising its investment policy in line with our recommendations: Campaign Success! | Sabeel-Kairos
2020 – Methodist Church divests from HeidelbergCement.
2021 – Methodist Church releases new policy: Israel Palestine – Policy Statement – Central Finance Board of the Methodist Church (cfbmethodistchurch.org.uk)
2021 – Methodist Church divests from Caterpillar after campaign pressure: Methodists Divest from Caterpillar citing Palestinian Evictions | Sabeel-Kairos
2021 – URC commits to 10 resolutions at its General Assembly including a commitment to screen out companies profiting from the occupation: United Reformed Church adopts 10 resolutions on Israel/Palestine | Sabeel-Kairos
2021 – Carlisle Diocese pass the first motion on Palestine in many years in the Church of England: Carlisle Diocese passes historic Cry for Hope motion | Sabeel-Kairos
2022 – Methodist Church commits to deeper engagement with HSBC over human rights and fossil fuels records: Methodist Conference commits to ‘deeper engagement’ with HSBC over human rights concerns | Sabeel-Kairos
We are a campaigning Christian charity that works for human rights, justice and equality for Palestinians in partnership/solidarity with the Christian community in the Holy Land.We support, advocate and promote the work of Sabeel Jerusalem and Kairos Palestine, bringing Palestinian voices to the UK Churches to inform, challenge, develop understanding and bring about changes to minds and attitudes.We are a campaigning and theological resource for the UK Churches and the Christian community worldwide.Can you help our work in 2023? Find out how to get involved here: https://www.sabeel-kairos.org.uk/category/join-us/