Membership Questionnaire

Membership questionnaire - Kairos Britain and Friends of Sabeel UK

This questionnaire has been put together by representatives of both Kairos Britain and Friends of Sabeel UK to go out to all members of both organisations. As we have recently merged the two organisations together, we are now seeking your thoughts, advice and suggestions on our future together. We know that many of you have been very active with FOSUK and Kairos Britain as separate entities over the years and we hope to find new ways of working which enable this energy and vision to continue to flourish as we continue together in our struggle for peace with justice for all in Palestine/Israel.


On November 15th 2017 representatives from both Kairos Britain and FOSUK will meet together to discuss the answers received in this questionnaire, and discuss key issues such as the structure and function of the newly merged organisation for the coming years. If you feel there is more that you would like to input into this than the form below allows then please contact us directly on and


Please feel free to answer the questions forthrightly and openly.


Your town/city


Which organisation/s are you affiliated with?


How long have you been involved in the work of FOSUK/Kairos Britain? What does your support involve? (for example financial support, volunteering, Kairos/FOSUK community member, theologian, advocate/campaigner etc)


Are you part of a local Kairos Community or FOSUK regional group? If not, would you like to either join one, or be part of creating a new one?


Sabeel-Kairos is entering a new phase of development in this partnership. What are the key areas of work in either Kairos Britain or FOSUK that you feel we must retain?


Are there new areas of work that you would like us to take up? If so, why do you see these as important?


As we work more closely together in this new partnership, there are likely to be changes to our membership, including the possible payment of a yearly fee to support the work. The current annual subscription for FOSUK is £30 full /£18 unwaged. How do you feel about this? Would it stop you from being affiliated to the organisation?


One of the issues we need to resolve is the choosing of a new name for our organisation. There are historic reasons (see below) why Kairos Britain is not Kairos UK, and at the same time FOSUK covers the whole of the UK region. What option would you choose for our new name?

*Kairos ‘Britain’ allowed opportunity for Northern Ireland and the Irish Republic to write their own response to the Kairos Palestine document, which they are seeking to do from their distinctive history and experience. Ecumenical activity has sought to bridge the north/south divide in Ireland, as seen in Churches Together in Britain and Ireland and the unity of many denominations expressed across that divide.


As we seek to grow and expand our reach, we will need to rely on volunteers and members of the new organisation more and more. Are there areas of work that you would be interested in supporting us in that you aren’t currently involved with?


What do you feel should be the priorities for Sabeel-Kairos in the coming 2-3 years in our solidarity and advocacy with Palestinians?

Thank you for completing our questionnaire.

Sabeel-Kairos is the operating name of Friends of Sabeel UK (FOSUK) Ltd, Charity number 1116817, Company Number 5595112

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