Sabeel Wave of Prayer and our Newsletters
We are delighted you want to hear more about our work and keep in touch. Please fill in the form below. Signing up to ‘General’ will mean you receive our monthly e-newsletters, which contain lots of information about our campaigns, advocacy work and news from our partners in Palestine. The wave of prayer is sent weekly on a Wednesday morning to enable you to join with our partner Sabeel Jerusalem and others around the world on a Thursday at noon to pray together for peace and justice. Both are free to receive, but please consider joining us as a member and supporting us financially so you can help us to continue our work!
Sign up form:
Example of our recent newsletter: June Newsletter from Sabeel-Kairos UK
Related sections and articles:
Gaza: A Call to Action
Actions, statements, campaigns and news concerning the ongoing war on Gaza.
Investing for Peace
Learn about our campaign here
Campaign: A Cry for Hope
We cannot serve God while remaining silent about
the oppression of the Palestinians.
Young Advocates Forum
Welcome to our Young Advocates Forum! Please visit here if you are under 35 and interested in Israel/Palestine. Sign up to our network below to stay involved!
Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions
Find out more about the international BDS movement and how to boycott, divest and sanction against anything associated with Israel’s occupation.
Donate to our appeals or host a fundraising event using our recipe cards and other resources!
Becoming a Sabeel-Kairos Community
What are Sabeel-Kairos Communities? How can we become one?
Theology Group
The Sabeel-Kairos Theology groups meets regularly to research, discuss and take action regarding theological issues in Israel/Palestine. Find out more here.
Global campaigns
More ways to campaign here from partners and coalitions across the world