BDS Campaigns
Sabeel-Kairos joins War on Want and other NGOs to call for a halt in UK arms sales to Israel
Join us and email your MP today to demand that the UK stops its complicity in Israel’s war crimes. (more…)
Boycott AXA Campaign
Join the Boycott AXA campaign and take action here in the UK to divest from the occupation.
Write to the Cooperative Bank now and ask them to cease their partnership with AXA
New: BDS Toolkit and videos from the US Campaign for Palestinian Rights
Have you been wanting to start a BDS campaign? Or, are you a seasoned activist looking for a good resource to share with others? Is someone you know confused about what BDS is? These new resources are for you! (more…)
HSBC: Stop Arming Israel!
HSBC is a major shareholder in companies selling weapons and military technology to Israel and also provides those companies with the loans they need to operate. Here’s the latest campaign action you can take (more…)
Morally Responsible Investment in Israel and Palestine
‘Pursuing Justice’
“Because they lead my people astray, saying ‘Peace’ when there is no peace, and because when a flimsy wall is built, they cover it with whitewash, therefore I tell those who cover it with whitewash that it is going to fall” Ezekiel 13:10-11
Read our guide on morally responsible investment and find out more about how we are encouraging UK churches to engage in this.
Red Card Israeli Racism
Fight Israeli Racism through football
The Israeli government violates international law. It discriminates against Palestinian Arabs through laws and actions involving ethnic cleansing, cultural genocide and collective punishment. This discrimination is severe, widespread, and unrelenting. It is generally unrecognised.
Palestinian footballers suffer their share. They are arbitrarily arrested and imprisoned without charge, cannot travel freely and cannot meet properly for games and training. (more…)
Take action: Write to your MP about Israel’s travel ban on BDS supporters
From The Palestine Solidarity Campaign: Last week, the Knesset passed a law to ban entry to those who advocate for the non-violent boycott, divestment and sanctions movement. (more…)
Make your Church HP-Free!
Friends of Sabeel North America (FOSNA) have started an excellent campaign to help Churches boycott Hewlett Packard and become ‘HP-Free’.
The technology created by Hewlett Packard denies Palestinians freedom of movement in the West Bank and Gaza. Hewlett-Packard sells the tools necessary for state repression: surveillance and population registration technologies. The biometric IDs, fingerprinting, and retinal scanning equipment and software developed by HP are critical to Israel’s ability to maintain segregation and apartheid.
Although this is an American campaign, many of the resources they are producing can be used here in the UK to help us achieve the same goals.
On their website is a presentation and notes to download that you can use in your Church, and also a full list of the other resources available from other organisations campaigning on this issue.
The Palestine Solidarity Campaign also has a full page dedicated to the Stop HP Campaign, so please visit there too.
FOSNA has started running Webinars on the campaign, which are free to join and available for anyone to be part of. We will post any future dates here on this page.
War on Want: Stop arming Israel
Stop arming Israel is a call for the UK Government to put in place a two-way arms embargo on Israel until it abides by international law. The recent war in Gaza would not be possible without the financial, military and diplomatic support from countries around the world, including the UK. The UK Government has continued to license arms exports to Israel, despite these almost certainly being used against Palestinian civilians.
You can take action and ask our government to stop arming Israel
Related sections and articles:
BDS Overview
What is Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions, and does it help?